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Maine Brokers Making the Best of Virtual Real Estate

Personal contact is key in real estate, but during this time of working from home and virtual meetings, brokers are trying to make the best of it.

Justin Lamontagne is quoted in this Mainebiz article highlighting how our industry is adjusting to the virtual real estate world.

“I’m interested in two fascinating trends that will emerge from this as it relates to commercial real estate and business in general,” Lamontagne said. “Most obviously, it will force companies to embrace remote technology and, basically, get better at it. I expect much ‘smarter’ offices moving forward and, as a result, more technologically comfortable employees (not just Millennials). Secondly, I think we will miss interpersonal connectivity,” he said. “There has to be a balance and I have no doubt that once things subside, networking and in-person business development will thrive once again.”